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Southern Maryland Comic-Con 2024 Guest List

John Morton

John Morton is an actor best known for playing Dak Ralter (Luke Skywalker's gunner) and Bespin Boba Fett in Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back.  John also had roles in Flash Gordon and Superman II.

Art Way Alliance

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Art Way Alliance is a Non-Profit organization that focuses on teaching young people in the DC region how to make art of their own choosing.


Art Way Alliance teaches children and adults how to create their own comic books and cartoons as a way to introduce them to various aspects of the media arts industry. We also minimize cost and distance by partnering with schools, libraries, and other non-profit organizations. AWA’s teachers are established comic book artists and cartoonists. Our other teachers we have recruited from a highly capable pool of artists from the Arts Institute. Art Way Alliance further emphasizes the educational value of comics and cartoons by incorporating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) or Common Core elements into our curriculum. 

Bryan Tillman


Bryan Tillman has been in higher education for over 13 years and has done everything from professor to program director for Media. He is currently an Assistant Professor for Graphic Design at Norfolk State University. Aside from being an educator, Bryan is the owner and CEO of the Kaiser Studio Productions LLC, a production studio for comics, toys, animation, and games that has been active in the industry for over 16 years. Bryan has also created and illustrated a tabletop RPG trading card game, Dark Legacy, which was recently acquired by UpperDeck and was released to stores in late 2018. Currently Bryan is hard at work getting ready to bring Ninja Empire to the public. Ninja Empire is comic book series of five separate stories that deal with a world that is run by ninjas. 

Dan Nokes

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Dan Nokes is a native of Southern Maryland who has been in the comic industry for over TWO DECADES! He has self-published a half a dozen graphic novels and trade paperbacks including: THE PARANORMALS, THE PISTOLEERS, ADAM AND EVE: BIZARRE LOVE TRIANGLE IN THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE (Which takes place in Southern Maryland.) IMPOSSIBLE SPACE TALES OF THE LAST PIT STOP, CHICKEN: USDA REJECTED and it's sequel CHICKEN: BATTERED & FRIED. He has also done work for: TOPPS Cards, The Teddy Bear Tales, and FUBAR Press! For more info please check out his website at

Chris Flick, creator of Roy the Werewolf!

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Chris is a professional web and graphic designer working in the
Washington DC area. He is also a freelance illustrator and
cartoonist who has been making comic strips since his college
days at Radford University. He has taught cartooning and
illustration to teenagers and older adults for the Fairfax County
Adult Education system and the Northern Virginia Library
system. He also regularly appears at multiple east coast comic
book conventions where he puts on illustration and cartooning
In 2007, Chris created a webcomic featuring Roy the werewolf
who works in a comic book store called Capes & Babes. There
are over 1200 Capes & Babes strips online and they have been
published in five book collections. Chris recently published his
very first all-ages coloring book featuring Roy and his vampire
girlfriend, Roni, as they go to a comic book convention for the
first time.

For many years, Chris was a member of The Webcomic
Alliance - an online group dedicated to helping web and comic
creators at all levels. That podcast has now evolved into the
Nerd Salad podcast where Chris and the rest of the Nerd Salad
group talk about any and all things related to “get culture”. You
can download or listen to the couple of Nerd Salad episodes


You can find Chris on Facebook, Twitter and Patreon as
“Capesnbabes”. On Instagram, you can find and follow him
@chrisflickart. You can also visit his professional design and
illustration portfolio site at or email him at
Chris would also like you to know that if you visit his table at any
time during this convention and greet him with a loud werewolf

howl, he’ll give you a free gift simply as a sign of appreciation
for supporting his work.

Nick Davis


Nick Davis is an Englishman in the USA and the creator of the Night Guardians, the ongoing adventures of a band of kids and their cuddly toys who protect us from the nightmare plans of the Boogeyman and his legion of monstas under the bed.

Once upon a time in a green and pleasant land far, far away, Nick labored as a feature writer and production assistant on Games Workshops’ Monthly Hobby Magazine White Dwarf during the Paul ‘Fat Bloke’ Sawyer years with a small stint on the USA version of the magazine – it was a golden time and inspired Nick to create Alt World Studios, an independent creative voice for storytelling on the interwebs.

Post Games Workshop, Nick works as a digital web marketing architect, graphic designer, storyteller, and sometimes artist. Occasionally, he can be found plodding away on a worn out keyboard or attempting to draw or playing with Lego while he explores the tea-powered worlds of his imagination.

Adventures ahead!!!

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Charles Stewart III

Charles Stewart III is an artist who has worked for DC Comics.  His previous work includes "DC New Talent Showcase: The Milestone Initiative" and "Static Team Up: Anansi" for DC Comics, “The Shadow Agency” for Endurance comics and “Skrap” for NPC comics.


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